Hi, my name is Cyd Villavicencio
I'm the Developer you need.

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I strive to constantly grow as a person and a developer. What sets me apart is my strong desire to see everything through and continue to learn every step of the way.

Once I began programming I made a commitment to be a life-long learner. I am motivated by this never ending pursuit for knowledge and to use these skills I have developed to make my dreams and those of my family true. Like Master Yoda always said "Do. Or do not. There is no try."

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Poke Search

PokeSearch is an app designed for a quick search of your favorite mon! Simply type your desired Pokemon and enjoy the cool sprite and stats of your Pokemon of choice! Built using React JS, utilizing the PokeAPI.

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Smart Brain

Smart Brain is a web app that uses the Clarifai API to locate a face in a picture. Using a React.js front-end and Node.js back-end with Express.js as well as a PostgreSQL database to keep track of how many entries a user has made.

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Star Wars GIPHY Battle

Star Wars Giphy Battle pits two random Star Wars characters against each other in an epic showdown. This project was constructed using Vanilla JS, HTML, and CSS. Two unique APIs are called for this app, SWAPI is utilized to extract Star Wars character data in conjunction with GIPHY API which aids in rendering the first gif result based on said Star Wars Character.

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